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35-87 Lower Kyeemyindyne St, SAD Office Compound, Ahlone Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar.
Office Time
Mon - Sat 9.00 - 17.00
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Courses/ Trainings taught

Part-Time Lecturer in MIFFA

1.Selecting and Assessing the Transport Routes and Modes Module

2. Truck Terminal Module

3. Inland Clearance Deport Module

4. International Rail Transport Module

About U Thein Naing

U Thein Naing is currently Director of Shwe Phyo Phyo Auto Service Company Limited. He imports and sell the world-wide brand automobiles in Myanmar. 10 years ago, he changed his life carrier from government railways officer to settle his own business.

Shwe Phyo Phyo Auto Service Co.,Ltd


Academic Degrees

  1. Bachelor of Science in Mandalay University
  2. Master of Business Administration in Yangon Institute of Economic
  3. Diploma in English (Yangon University)
  4. Diploma in Supply Chain Management (Myanmar Management Education center)
  5. Diploma in FIATA (Myanmar International Freight Forwarder Assotiation/2019)

Awards, Honors & Certificates

  1. Training course on Railway Management in Japan (2003)
  2. Training course on Advanced Railway Operation in Korea (2008)
  3. Regional Training of Trainers Programmed on Multimodal Transport and logistics (2009/UNESCAP Thailand)
  4. Training of Trainers Workshop on Training Fundamentals (2010/UNESCAP)
  5. Training course on Railway Construction Planning and Engineering Management for Asia Countries in Beijing (2011)
  6. Pilot Training of Trainers on Improving Efficiency of Logistics and Distribution of the East-West Economic Corridor and Southern Economic Corridor (2011/ Hanoi, Vietnam)
  7. Training of Trainers Programme  in Myanmar International Freight Forwarder Association (2015/Yangon)

1994-1999 _ Assistant Commercial Manager in Myanma Railways

1999-2004 _ Freight Manager in Railways Head Office

2004-2012-_Divisional Traffic Manager in Myanma Railways

2012-Now _ Director Shwe Phyo Phyo Auto Service Company Limited

About 20 years’ experience in Railway transport sector and 

at least 10 years working in Automobile market.

U Thein Naing's Course Lists

0 Student 100 hours
44 Students 8 hours
UNESCAP 1/2024
31 Students 26 hours
UNESCAP 1/2025
Get In Touch
35-87 Lower Kyeemyindyne St, SAD Office Compound, Ahlone Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar.

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