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About Capt. Aung Khin Myint


University of Law

Diploma in Maritime Law · (2006)

University of Economics

Executive Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) · (2002)

Port of Singapore Authority

Diploma in Shipping and Port Management · (1994)

University of Economics

Diploma in Management and Administration · (1993)

University of Information Technology

Diploma in Computer Science · (1992)

International Logistics
International Shipping

 My vast knowledge and familiarity with the shipping and maritimeindustry, freight forwarding and logistics services is deeply rootedin my decades of service and former study. In 1977 I beganmy commitment as a cadet in The Myanmar Five Star Line andsucceeded to the rank of captain. I then began to manage FiveStar’s Feeder Container Service in 1993. After 6 successful years inwhich I spearheaded multiple streamlining projects, I joined MPA-Allied Singapore as an inland container depot general managerand continued to serve until 2005 whilst also earning my ExecutiveMaster of Business Administration and various diplomas includingMaritime Law, Multimodal Transport, and Shipping and PortManagement.

            Today I serve as the Chairman of Global Multimodal Transport andServices Co. Ltd and Chairman of Myanmar International FreightForwarders Association. I believe I will be a core asset for youroperation as I possess the confidence, experience, knowledge, andnetwork to captivate target markets, advise with shipping relatedlegal matters, manage day to day operations, and establish vitalconnections with private and government organizations in Myanmar.

           In the business sector I serve as the JGS of UMFCCI, and I activelycontribute as a participant of the GMSBF.In summary I have been actively involved in the comprehensiveplanning, operation, and capacity building of Myanmar’s Shippingand Maritime Industry, Freight Forwarding and Logistics Services.


Myanmar International Freight Forwarders Association
2008 - Present (14 years)
Yangon, Myanmar
           Lead many projects as Chairman, organized multiple conferences andpromoted training programs for the development of Myanmar’s Shippingand Maritime Industry, Freight Forwarding and Logistics Services. Madedeep connections within the local shipping, freight forwarding and logisticsbusiness community as well as the government sector such as The Ministryof Transport, The Ministry of Rails, The Ministry of Commerce, The Ministryof National Planning and Economic Development, Myanmar Port Authority,Customs and Immigration.

          Have also developed a close network through providing advise andconsultation with national private truck associations, pushing bargeassociations, and coastal schooner owners organisations. In addition I havebeen involved in solidifying relationships between Myanmar organisations andJapanese organisations such as, MLIT, JICE, JETRO, and JTCA.

Global Multimodal Transport And Services Co. Ltd
2005 - Present (17 years)
Yangon, Myanmar
             Founded the company to manage Greater Mekong Sub Region cross bordertransport agreement and ASEAN multimodal shipping for businesses.Currently initiating and helping with the development of cross borderagreements. Designed and successfully implemented Myanmar’s firstElectronic Port Manifesting System.

1999 - Present (23 years)
Yangon, Myanmar
             Represented APLL in Myanmar. Gained extensive consolidation experienceespecially for shipping to The United States. Was also responsible for generalwarehouse management.

MPA-Allied Singapore ICD
General Manager
2000 - 2005 (5 years)
Yangon, Myanmar
            Managed a 5000 unit capacity, joint inland container depot between TheMyanmar Port Authority and Singapore. Designed and realised Myanmar’s firstIntegrated Container Depot Management Software that included the first everElectronic Mail Response System for clients.

Myanmar Five Star Line Container Feeder Service
1993 - 1999 (6 years)
Yangon, Myanmar
Managed MFSL – a highly successful joint venture company betweenSingapore’s Jardine Star Line Management (JSLM) and Myanmar. Developedand implemented the first Electronic Data Interchange system (EDI) inMyanmar. Oversaw documentation and general operations.

Myanmar Five Star
1977 - 1999 (22 years)
Yangon, Myanmar
Developed extensive maritime knowledge. Was promoted to Port Captainresponsible for Five Star’s 25 vessel fleet after 20 years of sea service.

Capt. Aung Khin Myint's Course Lists

0 Student 100 hours
31 Students 26 hours
UNESCAP 1/2025
Get In Touch
35-87 Lower Kyeemyindyne St, SAD Office Compound, Ahlone Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar.

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